Need immediate help?

Need further help?

If it is life-threatening emergency - call the emergency services.

If the risk is not immediately life threatening  Follow the instructions on this landbot - it will calm you - help you collect your thoughts and allow you time to make decisions about helping your child in the immediate situation. Doing this activity will role model the calmness and control you want your teenager to learn.

When this crisis is over, get in touch with LOHA - we can support you to help your teenager through their mental health problems. 

I need urgent help

Claire and Adam's Story

"LOHA Systemic Therapy helped me pinpoint the specific concerns Adam had."

Claire was worried by her 10-year-old son Adam. Adam was due to go to from primary to secondary school this year, but he seemed very young still. Claire was concerned about how Adam was going to cope and how he would respond to the difference in school and its expectations of him.

Worried about what to say to Adam, Claire used LOHA’s Systemic Therapy activities to find out more about what was causing Adam’s anxiety – Adam was worried about a whole range of things, but the LOHA activities helped Adam explain them all.

This gave him a sense of control and significantly reduced his anxiety.

On hearing what was concerning Adam with problems which included fears about bullying and keeping up with school work , Claire could understand what she needed to do to help Adam more effectively. By teasing out the different concerns, Claire was able to talk through with Adam how he could deal with the different situations that were worrying him – this gave him a sense of control and significantly reduced his anxiety.

Adam even began looking forward to going to his new school.

LOHA provided me with activities that helped me understand Adam's anxieties much more. I assumed I knew what they were, it was about the change of school. But the LOHA activities helped me pinpoint the specific concerns Adam had and we were able to manage those directly which visibly reduced Adam's anxiety.

Further readng

"I was afraid to talk about my Mum – I was walking on egg shells."

Alaye and Esohe's Story

"It brought us all closer together."

Amelia and Jack's Story

"She laughs, we have fun together. I thought I'd never get that back."

Anna & Sarah's Story

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