Need immediate help?

Need further help?

If it is life-threatening emergency - call the emergency services.

If the risk is not immediately life threatening  Follow the instructions on this landbot - it will calm you - help you collect your thoughts and allow you time to make decisions about helping your child in the immediate situation. Doing this activity will role model the calmness and control you want your teenager to learn.

When this crisis is over, get in touch with LOHA - we can support you to help your teenager through their mental health problems. 

I need urgent help

Therapy programmes

Our solutions are evidence based and proven to work – now it is time for us to share with parents, and society, a new way to help our young people.

Book now

What do we offer?

Through our Digital Systemic Therapy programmes you can help your child learn to understand, identify and express their feelings when they are struggling.

You will be able to teach them how to manage emotional distress in healthy ways.

Our team of clinical psychologists and family therapists have designed evidence based activities for families to do at home. No waiting for appointments and no need to miss school or work or pay travel or childcare costs.

Programmes lasts 6 weeks and there are 6 activities for each. A new activity is released to you each week and they take up to one hour to complete.


There will be 4 new programmes for September. Each will provide a foundational approach to Systemic therapy, what we call CURE.





All you need is time together, a mobile phone or tablet and a pen and paper.

Book now


LOHA 6 week foundation programmes - £300

Each programme includes learning the basic principles of Systemic Therapy and C.U.R.E and then how to apply them with your family in a digital setting. The foundation programme also sets the scene and prepares families for subsequent programmes tailored to the families individual needs and the challenge they are facing.

LOHA Subscription - £15 per month

As a member you will receive year long support from LOHA therapists and community.

  • Free eBooks

  • Monthly online 'drop in' sessions with a LOHA therapist

  • Access to member blogs, video content, peer to peer community and more.

LOHA programmes

Coping with Anxiety

Helping your teenager manage stress & anxiety to build their self esteem, confidence and resilience.

Life Transitions

How to support your child through life changing circumstances such as divorce, bereavement and serious illness.

Sensitive Conversations

Learn how to approach and help young people deal with sensitive topics including sexuality, gender, bullying and other issues.

Self Harm

Supporting your child through self harm. Understanding the causes of self harm and helping your teenager find healthier coping mechanisms.