Need immediate help?

Need further help?

If it is life-threatening emergency - call the emergency services.

If the risk is not immediately life threatening  Follow the instructions on this landbot - it will calm you - help you collect your thoughts and allow you time to make decisions about helping your child in the immediate situation. Doing this activity will role model the calmness and control you want your teenager to learn.

When this crisis is over, get in touch with LOHA - we can support you to help your teenager through their mental health problems. 

I need urgent help

LOHA’s vision is for all children and young people to have good mental health that lasts a lifetime

High quality care when you need it most

Loha want to ensure all young people receive the high-quality care they need in a timely manner and we know as parents and carers YOU are best placed to offer this.

We provide you with the science backed tools and techniques to do so.

Everyone can learn the therapeutic skills that help children manage their emotional wellbeing. Our unique therapy shows you how and supports you to help your child grow healthy relationships with you, their siblings, peers and teachers.


The benefits of using Systemic Therapy digitally, mean you can get support immediately when you need it. There’s no waiting for appointments and no need to miss school or work or pay travel or childcare costs.

And there is human support too. If you need help during or following any of the activities, you can access free sessions to speak with a family therapist or coach who can advise you.

Find out more

We help families develop C.U.R.E

We help you engage your child or teenager to build Connection, Understanding, Resilience and Empathy.

Through our specially designed activities you can help your child learn to understand, identify and express their feelings when they are struggling to convey them.

Systemic therapy helps the whole family become curious about each other, make changes and show how things can be different and made better.

Our community

We want to be there for families, through self harm and beyond. There will be times in life when emotional distress is unavoidable. It is how we learn to cope with these events that will shape our mental health and that of our children.

As well as our 6 week therapy programmes, we also offer year-round support from the Loha community of parents, coaches and therapists.

As a registered Loha parent or carer, you can join our LOHA WhatsApp community free of charge and download our e-books, sign up for our newsletters, listen our podcasts and take part in discussions via webinars and private chat.

To join the WhatsApp chat text 'LOHA' to 07928 434178

We are here for you.