Need immediate help?

Need further help?

If it is life-threatening emergency - call the emergency services.

If the risk is not immediately life threatening  Follow the instructions on this landbot - it will calm you - help you collect your thoughts and allow you time to make decisions about helping your child in the immediate situation. Doing this activity will role model the calmness and control you want your teenager to learn.

When this crisis is over, get in touch with LOHA - we can support you to help your teenager through their mental health problems. 

I need urgent help

Amelia and Jack's Story

"It brought us all closer together."

Emotional intelligence is the biggest predictor of satisfaction with life.

Many parents and carers are concerned about their children and young people’s mental health because they know it’s one of the biggest influences on their ‘success’ in adulthood. Having a healthy approach to managing their mental health will set the foundations for lifelong good mental health.

Charlie contacted LOHA because she was concerned about mental health problems in teenagers generally and wanted to know what to do to reduce the risk of poor mental health for her children 13-year-old Amelia and 10-year-old Jack.

The majority of mental health problems can be prevented by assisting children and young people to learn about how to recognise their their feelings and thoughts, and understand how they can respond to them. 

Charlie subscribed to LOHA to find out how best to support her children using the Systemic Therapy activities.

Amelia and Jack loved the weekly sessions, it helped us all talk about what was happening at home, school and work but at the same time it was fun. It brought us all closer together – I wished I could have done something similar with my own parents when I was a teenager. It surprised me how insightful both children were – and I feel reassured that both children will feel they can come and talk to me or their dad about anything that’s worrying them.

Further readng

"I was afraid to talk about my Mum – I was walking on egg shells."

Alaye and Esohe's Story

"She laughs, we have fun together. I thought I'd never get that back."

Anna & Sarah's Story

"LOHA Systemic Therapy helped me pinpoint the specific concerns Adam had."

Claire and Adam's Story

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