Need immediate help?

Need further help?

If it is life-threatening emergency - call the emergency services.

If the risk is not immediately life threatening  Follow the instructions on this landbot - it will calm you - help you collect your thoughts and allow you time to make decisions about helping your child in the immediate situation. Doing this activity will role model the calmness and control you want your teenager to learn.

When this crisis is over, get in touch with LOHA - we can support you to help your teenager through their mental health problems. 

I need urgent help

Frequenty Asked Questions

Why do children and young people have problems with their mental health?

There are many different reasons why children and young people struggle with their mental health. Often poor mental health is a sign of distress, which children and young people have difficulty explaining because they lack the words or experience to describe it.

LOHA support parents to help children and young people talk about their emotions and feelings and find healthy ways of managing them, which significantly improves their mental health.

Why do children and young people self-harm?

There are many reasons – Self-harm is usually a symptom of distress. Sometimes children and young people know why they are distressed and sometimes not.

We have produced an ebook that you can download for free that explains more about self-harm.

What does LOHA do?

We support parents to help their children stop self-harming and improve their mental health.

Each week for 6 weeks we send you a digital activity for you and your child to do together, we call this ‘Systemic Play’– you can include all the family too, if possible.

After doing the activity parent can join as small group of parents online each week and discuss how the activity helped you support your child. It’s often beneficial to hear from other parents and share ideas.

How can LOHA help children and young people’s mental health?

LOHA supports parents to help their children understand and explain their emotions and feelings. Being able to express difficult emotions and feelings, and having a parent that that can help them is very beneficial to all the family.

How long does each digital activity take?

Each digital activity takes 30-60minutes.

The parents’ online session takes up to 60minutes.

What happens if my child gets an appointment about their mental health from the NHS?

We would encourage you to follow the normal course of action and go with your child to see their GP or mental health professional. You should continue with the LOHA programme because it will add benefit to you and help your child recover more quickly.

Why do you not treat my child directly?

The evidence shows that parents are best placed to help their child. Parents know their child and care for their child more than anyone else. If you have the skills as a parent to help your child understand their emotions and feelings and how this impacts their behaviour, you can act immediately preventing more serious mental health problems occurring.

What is the evidence that this approach works?

Research evidence shows that building connection with a trusted adult is the most important aspect of stopping self-harm and improving a young person’s mental health.

The activities are widely used in family therapy, which is fully backed by science and evidence.

Do I need to pay?

Yes - We are a private provider.

We have a suggested amount that reflects the cost of our services, but we also have a scheme whereby you pay what you can afford, so please ask about this option when booking.

We are keen to make our services as accessible as possible. and our profits are used to improve charities and services for young people.

What qualifications and experience do family coaches have at LOHA

All our family coaches are experienced and trained in facilitating and supporting parents. Many are registered counsellors or psychotherapists, and all have enhanced DBS checks. All our coaches are supported by a multi-disciplinary team with qualifications and specialising in children, young people’s, and family mental health.

What should I do if my child says that they will not take part in the activities?

Read our ebooks on supporting and encouraging your child to receive help and support.

How do you manage safeguarding concerns?

If a coach has a concern about someone’s safety, we will raise it with the person if appropriate and if necessary, alert the regional safeguarding practitioner.

Can I join but remain anonymous in the parents’ group?

Yes – you need not provide your full name to the other parents in the online meeting.

What happens if advice from other parents is not helpful or is misleading?

Family coaches check the accuracy of any advice shared before encouraging others to use it.